I am really enjoying these podcasts. Though today, I thought you left out an important detail. OK so the detail is much more explicit in the longer version which isn't so well known to Orthodox readers, but you can find it in the Catholic Douay-Rheims version. It is that Sara and Tobias do not consummate the marriage that night. It is very much in the same spirit as the voluntary marital chastity during Bright Week, or our three day fast before the Eucharist, or indeed Christ's 'Do not touch me till I have ascended' to Mary Magdalene at the Resurrection. It is a really deep and beautiful detail and does much to show our true human dignity and theosis.

Incidentally if you want a really great piece of art to illustrate this, google 'Sara and Tobit V&A'. At the V&A museum in London, there is a stained glass of Sara and Tobit asleep in their bed with the dog curled up at the bottom of it. It is lovely!

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