Wisdom 7–10: The Nature of Wisdom and Providence
Wisdom plays an essential role in human affairs and history, leading God’s people from Adam to the Exodus

In this installment of “Bad” Books of the Bible we cover Wisdom of Solomon, chapters 7–8 and 9–10, over two episodes.
The first episode deals with Solomon’s relationship to wisdom, the fact that he requires wisdom like all mortals and so ardently prays for it. Wisdom itself is further defined, looking closely at its earthly and divine attributes. And depending on your expectations, those divine attributes could prove slightly scandalous. You can listen to that here:
The second episode covers the necessity of wisdom for the success of human endeavors, for the success of Solomon’s reign, and for human survival and salvation. Wisdom has shown itself essential in creation and now it reveals itself in history, following the biblical account from Adam to Moses and the Exodus. Listen:
Along with our conversation, you can listen to Fr. Alexis Kouri read Wisdom 7–8 here:
And Wisdom 9–10 here:
As always, you can also listen to the show at:
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